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Honeywell 3800PDF-12E (3800PDF-12E)

Product Summary

3800PDF Linear Image Scanner (Long Range Scanner, HHLC, PDF Capable, Commercial Interface and ROHS)
Manufacturer: Honeywell
Manufacturer part number: 3800PDF-12E
SKU: 87043
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Pricing - Condition Manufacturer New

€382.59 excl VAT
€497.36 excl VAT

Product Line Information

The IMAGETEAM 3800PDF delivers fast accurate reading of PDF417 as well as all standard linear Motorolaogies. Specially designed hardware and firmware are optimized and combined with a bright sharp aiming line for exceptional performance in any environment. The PDF label is read by sweeping the scanner up or down over the code quickly gathering decoding and outputting the data to the host system. The IT3800PDF offers a full five year warranty and is an excellent choice for office and postal automation supply chain management and vehicle registration applications.

Features & Benefits

  • Enhanced Decode Algorithms and Optics - Reads
  • Powerful, Flexible Architecture - Connects and interfaces to all major PCs, commercial and retail DOS terminals easily and quickly with Windows®-based programming tools or bar code programming menus.
  • Solid, Rugged Design - No moving parts and solid construction outside deliver years of reliable service in demanding work environments
  • Unique Optical System - Enhanced depth-of-field easily covers the full range of hand held scanning uses in point- of -sale and general purpose scanning applications
Products specifications
Manufacturer category Honeywell 3800PDF
Manufacturer Honeywell