PixeLink PL-B741F 1.3 MP FireWire Monochrome Camera (PL-B741F)
Product Summary
Interface: Firewire, C/M: Mono, Sensor: CMOS, Max FPS: 27 fps, Resolution: 1280 x 1024
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PixeLink PL-B741F 1.3 MP FireWire Monochrome Camera is a replacement for
PixeLink PL-A741
PL-B741F description
The PL-B741F has a rich set of features and capabilities all controllable through software. A global shutter and external trigger allows for synchronization in demanding machine vision applications. In video mode, the camera can deliver up to 33 fps at 1k x 1k resolution, up to 107 fps at VGA resolution (640 x 480) and up to 8000 fps at 724 x 8, all with user-definable region of interest (ROI). Full field-of-view images can be decimated for high speed transmission. The camera has a user-selectable 8 or 10-bit output. The CMOS sensor architecture provides excellent anti-blooming capability. With the Software Developer’s Kit (SDK), PixeLINK supplies an extensive Application Programming Interface (API) and camera control Graphical User Interface (GUI) for fast and easy application development. This functionality includes additional trigger modes, general purpose outputs that can be used as communication lines for strobe signals for lighting and motion controllers. Included is an on-board user-programmable lookup table (LUT) applied in real time, on-board non-volatile memory for camera configuration and camera configuration descriptors for quick changes to camera settings between frames. Multi-slope dynamic range controls, enables balanced exposure in images with large inner-scene dynamic range. This extended Shutter logarithmically increases the linear dynamic range of 54db to greater than 100db.
PL-B741F features
FireWire Interface
Global Shutter
40-48 MHz Pixel Clocks
1.3 Megapixel
General Purpose Outputs
External Trigger
Powerful, Easy to Use and Cost Effective
Generic Commands for all Camera Models
Capture and save still images and AVI video clips
Fast and flexible access to streaming video
On-Board Flat Field Correction
Excellent Anti-Blooming
ROI Sub-Windowing
Software Development Kit
Direct Show Compatible